Monday, September 23, 2013

Believing God No Matter What

Believing God no matter what...that's me in a nutshell. This particular season in my life is not one of my favorites. It's not comfortable, and my impatient nature doesn't help much! But strangely enough it is one that I feel most secure through! 

I look back through this year and am just blown away by all God has done and brought me through! I see myself in ways I never could before. I love my children in a stronger way than I have before. I trust in God more than I have before. 

Though others may look at where I am right now and scratch their heads trying to figure out what I'm doing or why I'm doing it, the bottom line is it's because it's what my Father told me to do and any time I argue, He wins anyway! I'm believing for good things, mighty things done in my life through Him. I know that the bigger the test the sweeter the victory!  I'm believing for victory and freedom for my children, I have big dreams and I want theirs to be even bigger! I want them to remember Mom's faith, God's faithfulness through it all, and I want them to RUN with their visions in total confidence in Him!

Right now I feel like I'm in the middle of the journey. I've come too far to turn back but still can't quite see my destination on the's not a very fun place...I know I'm not the only one that's been there. 

But I know that I know that I know, I'm in His perfect will. I asked God for faith, and He gave me faithbuilding experience. I acknowledge His faithfulness, He allows the storms of life to prove Himself to me. He uses my love & protective nature for my children to show me just how great His love & protection is for ME, and even that is just barely a glimpse. 

So yes, though the seas may be rocking my boat a little, I TRUST Him. Though I can't see exactly what's on the other side, I know it's GOOD. I know the needs of my family are met, because He supplies all our needs according to His riches and glory. 

My Jesus is faithful, unchanging, just and true...

Til next time,
