Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Only Victory Can Satisfy This Hunger

Hey Queens!
Sorry it's been a little quiet this week here on the site & Facebook, but quiet it most definitely has NOT been in the life of this Queen!

First off, I gotta announce my first meeting with the girls at juvenile hall was last week and I'm in awe of how God took over and how I got to see these girls impacted by the things I shared! Really, I shared the Lord's heart for them, His love and PURPOSE He has for each and every one of them! It is such a humbling honor that He allows ME, to be a minister of His love... truly He gets ALL the glory, because without Him, I'm a hot mess!!!!! I can't wait to see the doors He opens!

Which leads me to the events of this week. Crazy thing-last weekend, right before the holiday, I had this crazy dream. This dream was the first of a succession of dreams I had, all pertaining to a disaster or attack in which I was responsible for protecting my family. I'm talking dreams about tornados, floods, tsunamis, aerial attacks, and one of them was so disturbing I woke up sick to my stomach and shaking. The last one was the aerial attack, and in my dream, my youngest daughter looked up just as the bombs were going to drop (though I already had us in our safe place) and she said "it's time to fight". God always uses my youngest to speak to me in the most random ways, giving her such wise and specific words. She definitely operates in that gift of discernment!

Anyways, my family is definitely under attack right now. There are many things going on but I refuse to give the enemy any power in it. No, my attitude through this hasn't been 100% right, and I've shared my share of cussing (still working on deliverance in that, just keeping it real), wanting to really let my emotions cloud my judgment...and I know it has at times... But I will tell you this, I'm speaking blessing over the natural source of this mess because I'm turning my attack towards the supernatural source!

Mama's battle gear is ON... There is too much at stake to get caught in the natural mess of things.

Tonight at church, I got my confirmation of what I have known and been saying all along, in my obedience I am taking enemy ground. I am walking in my purpose and taking each step towards my destiny! 

In my job, I am only as good as I am because of Him and my daily submission to Him and allowing Him to use me. I go into families' homes and bring them hope, teach them the things God has taught me with my own struggles with my daughter. My daughter once asked me if I tell my clients about her challenges and our experiences through it as a family. I smiled and told her that I tell them our story to bring them hope through the testimony of what God has done for us, that while we went through the storm, we came out closer and stronger than before. Though we can make each other crazy,  I love the fact that she tells me in our heart to hearts that I am the only one who truly understands her. She knows no one has her back and loves her as unconditionally as I do...and I get to bring that hope to families.... That's an honor! So of course the enemy is mad! Too bad for him.

He is the accuser of the brethren and will use available people and even my own thoughts against me to try and discourage me, stress me out and make me quit. But it ain't happening! My response to the bull we've been dealing with? That's gonna cost YOU devil!

All are called. YOU are called! There is a plan and purpose for YOU to fulfill... It's all for God's kingdom and glory! When you submit, as Jesus did... Not my will but yours be done...then you set yourself up for the blessing and power of God to flow through your life!

See, if you are going through things, get on your face and SURRENDER to the Lord, it's only when we get our "self" out of the way, that He can intervene. Jesus already won it for you! I'm not gonna lie, anyone who knows me will tell you I keep things REAL, maybe too real sometimes, but just this week I was telling my friend, I don't know if I have the strength to come through these challenges God's way! Truth is, on my own, I DON'T! But I got into my prayer closet, surrendered to my King.... Put the worship on, put on my battle armor and it was ON! I may very likely sustain some scrapes and bruises through this process, but I do it knowing the victory is mine!

I've got a hunger for victory... When David fought Goliath, he KNEW he already won before he threw the first stone. He had a hunger for that giant's head in his hands! I want the enemy beat down, I want his neck SNAPPED in my hands... I know it's graphic but I told you I'm keeping it REAL! But he's messing with my children, my job, my ministry....and he's messing with the wrong woman.

How? I worship, I pray, but most importantly, I DON'T stop doing what God has called me to do!  I love my kids even more, I pour into them even more, I continue mentoring, I continue juvenile hall, I continue praying for my clients, only harder now! Most importantly I keep myself face down before the Lord... Not MY will but yours be done! I trust you answer to Him is and continues to stay, YES! The devil will pay for all the pain he's brought into our lives...

My pastor spoke it beautifully tonight... Who He calls, He equips. Who He equips, He annoints. Who He annoints, He EMPOWERS.
This Queen knows who she is! Ask me if the call is worth it! Are these souls, these people, some you may never see again, worth it? Absolutely! Because I'm pleasing my Father in doing what He's asked of me, and in the end, I win! That means in whatever you may be facing, YOU DO TOO!

Til next time,